
此更新修正SynologyDrive3.0的問題:從Drive2.0更新至最新版本時,若開啟隨需同步模式,可能會誤刪檔案。相容性與安裝.更新套件以支援DSM7.0。此版本將不再支援連線 ...,Version:2.0.0-11050·SynologyDriveClientnowcomeswithbrandnewcomputerbackupfunctionandsupportscontinuous,manual,andscheduledmodes.·AddedOn- ...,Version:3.1.0-740·Improvedtheefficiencyofsyncingbymonitoringfilechangesinreal-time.Autosyncistri...

發行資訊: Synology Drive Client

此更新修正Synology Drive 3.0 的問題:從Drive 2.0 更新至最新版本時,若開啟隨需同步模式,可能會誤刪檔案。 相容性與安裝. 更新套件以支援DSM 7.0。 此版本將不再支援連線 ...

Release Notes for Synology Drive Client

Version: 2.0.0-11050 · Synology Drive Client now comes with brand new computer backup function and supports continuous, manual, and scheduled modes. · Added On- ...

Release Notes for Synology Drive

Version: 3.1.0-740 · Improved the efficiency of syncing by monitoring file changes in real-time. Auto sync is triggered when file changes are detected.

發行資訊: Synology Drive Server

此套件預計在數日內發佈至所有地區與機種,但各地區與機種的實際發佈時間可能略有不同。 升級至此版本將觸發檔案一致性檢查,可能會暫時增加NAS 負載。 全新功能. Synology ...

Release Notes for Synology Drive Server

Important Notes · The update is expected to be available in all regions and models within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly ...